programme du symposium organisé par The Graduate Division, the City University of New York, du 26 au 28 mars 1968, à l'occasion de l'ouverture de l'exposition "Dada, Surrealism and their heritage" au MoMA (Museum of Modern Art de New York), en coopération avec le MoMA, l'Association Internationale pour l'étude de Dada et du Surréalisme, les services culturels de l'ambassade de France
format : 27,5 x 21,9 cm
imprimé en NB recto/verso sur papier bouffant
Sur 3 jours, le symposium réunissait les séminaires :
Dada vs Surrealism, par Michel Sanouillet
Painting and Dada and Surrealism, par Robert Motherwell
Dada, Surrealism and the theater, par Michael Benedikt
The elopement of surrealist Art, by Nicolas Calas
The surrealist Adventure, par Marcel jean
The young surrealist poets, by J.H. Matthews
Surrealism and the Novel, buy Carlos Lynes
The Literary Impact of French Dada and Surrealism n their literature, par David Antin
Les participants :
David Antin, poet, art critic,
Michel Beaujour, New York University ,
Michael Benedikt, Art News ,
Leroy Breunig, Barnard College, Columbia Univ. ,
Nicholas Calas, Fairleigh Dickinson University ,
Mary Ann Caws, Hunter College, City University ,
Raymond Federman, State University of N. Y. at Buffalo ,
David Hare, sculptor ,
Marcel Jean, artist, art historian ,
Hilton Kramer, The New York Times ,
Carlos Lynes, University of Pennsylvania ,
J. H. Matthews, Syracuse University ,
Robert Motherwell, painter ,
Henri Peyre, Yale University ,
Paul C. Ray, York College, City University ,
George Reavey, writer, critic ,
Michael Riffaterre, Columbia University ,
Edouard Roditi, Brown University ,
Michel Sanouillet, University of Toronto ,
Eric Sellin, Temple University ,
Roger Shattuck, University of Texas ,
Parker Tyler, writer, critic ,
William Wilson, Queens College, City University ,